Chaofan Lin (in Chinese: 林超凡)

I'm an undergraduate at ACM Honors Class, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, advised by Prof. Yong Yu. And I'm an incoming Ph.D. student in Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIIS), Tsinghua University advised by Prof. Mingyu Gao in 2024 Fall.

Now I'm very fortunate to work with Yuqing Yang in the System Group of Microsoft Research Asia, focusing on LLM applications serving. Previously I'm a research intern at Apache TVM community, working closely with Tianqi Chen and focusing on the design of relax (a graph-level IR for tvm) training workflow. Please check out my CV if interested.

I go by `SiriusNEO` on most websites. And I usually use `chaosfan` as a variant of my real name. [Email] / [Github] / [Zhihu].


My research interest mainly lies in computer systems and architecture, specially in optimizing machine learning and other data intensive applications. I believe there is no silver bullet in designing and architecting. However, I will try my best to narrow the gap between theory and practice, hoping that one day everyone can appreciate and benefit from great algorithms/systems.

You can check my [Publications] / [Projects] for details.


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